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KidEarth - can music unite kids around the world?

A Californian 6th grader called Aitan Grossmanwrote who loves music has decided to take a stand against climate change.

Aitan writes...

"I am a 12 year old boy who likes music and doesn’t like global warming.

I am not old enough to solve the problem. But I am old enough to convince others to try by having school children from every continent sing my “100 Generations” song with me. That way, the world can hear that children everywhere care about the integrity of nature we are taking for granted, and everyone can feel our hope that the earth will stop warming soon.

Send a message that we should not wait any longer. Sing our song with us, share it with your friends, and if you can, buy a copy so we can give money to environmental groups that are working hard to stop climate change right now. We can save the earth if people of all ages around the world work together."

KidEarth and its "100 Generations" song project is an international global warming song

School children in Africa (Botswana and Ethiopia), Europe (France), South America (Venezuela and Guatemala), and Asia (Taiwan) have joined kidEarth in song already.

The more kids who  sing Aitan's song, the bigger its impact will be as children everywhere, together, raise the world's awareness about the climate change.

Aitan's made it easy  - the song's notes, lyrics and instrumental tracks are on kidEarth's website (www.kidearth.us).  Students can use Aitan's words  or write their own and, if they want to join voices together with others around the world, they can post a "100 Generations" music video to go along with those already on kidEarth's video page.

More information about kidEarth is in a feature story on Al Gore's Alliance for Climate Protection website  (google "Aitan" and "Repower" and then click on cache) and in an article written when the kidEarth project was designated a Climate Hero by San Francisco Bay Area environmentalists

(http://kidearth.us/Site/aitandaily.jpg). More too at kidEarth.usand


All Aitan asks is that schools participating send him their names and cities/towns so he can mention them on the kidEarth website. [email protected].

I hope some of our VIP members take up Aitan on his challenge

Post your comments below and talk about your songs in the forum


Posted Oct 16 2009, 02:58 PM by richard

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