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the science and environment section of the BBC website provides stories, research, videoes, and images about climate change

the environment section of the Gradian website provides stories, research, and amazing images about climate change

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Information on Environmental issues

Sir David Attenborough

Climate change graph .....

Top 50 things to help reduce global warming

Here is a list of 50 simple things that everyone can do in order to fight against and reduce the Global Warming..

Climate change advert

Watch this commercial highlighting climate change.

101 Solutions to Global Climate Change

Theme of a recent book and the writer explains more in this TV interview.

Effects of climate change video

This video gives some idea of how climate change is effecting parts of the world and could be an indicator of what is to come.

Combined Power and Heat

Watch this movie and you can have your say......

GreenPeace The Convenient Solution

Take 9 minutes to learn why some of our energy generating solutions currently used are convenient but may not be cost effective or the best.

Tour of the Cryosphere - 7 minute movie

This animation leads viewers across the icy reaches of Antarctica, the
shrinking ice cap around the North Pole, and other frozen, terrestrial
regions of the globe. It conveys the interconnectedness of the cryosphere
and impact of climate change on the earth system. (streaming video – with
audio and captions). Credit: NASA

UK fails renewables test

The UK is lagging behind other countries in its use of renewables technology according to Bsria’s latest research into the renewables market.

The Impacts of Climate Change on Growth and Development

How Climate Change Will Affect People Around The World: Climate change threatens the basic elements of life for people around the world – access to water, food, health, and use of land and the environment. On current trends, average global temperatures could rise by 2 - 3°C within the next fifty years or so,1 leading to many severe impacts, often mediated by water, including more frequent droughts and floods

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