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have a look at the VIP forum for 11-18year olds to see whats currently being discussed...
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Footprint Friends forums

VIP member 11-18 years old.

The Footprint Friends VIP forum is for young people to talk about environmental issues. We have designed the forum to be fun, safe and interactive.

Anyone can read the posts in the forum by clicking on the links opposite but you must be 11-18 years old to sign up and post your own comments.

We look forward to debating with you in the forum...

supporter forum for 19+ years old.

The Footprint Friends SUPPORTER forum is for those aged 19 years and older who are involved with young people and are in "support" of their environmental awareness and debate. This forum is designed to enable teachers, scout leaders, parents and business leaders to talk about environmental activites that will help support the VIP's.

Anyone can read the posts in the forum by clicking on the links opposite but you must be 19 years of age or older to sign up and post your own comments.

We look forward to debating with you in the forum...

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