People say the nicest things
Ed Miliband
"Looking through your Footprint Friends website, I was struck by the creativity of the million feet to Copenhagen campaign, which is an unusual and welcome initiative. In particular I’d like to thank you for supporting Government’s efforts to encourage young people into the climate change debate"
Adam Boesel - Owner of The Green MicroGym
"Hi to all Footprint Friends.
Swampy wrote to me as I have launched the first green gym in the USA powered by human power! - We collect power as our members peddle to keep fit! It is really great to read all your thoughts and ideas on the environment - I was particularly interested in your ideas for an energy generating human hamster wheel. I can just see one in every home.... maybe one day!
With very best wishes Adam"
Joan Ruddock MP - Minister for Climate Change, Biodiversity and Waste
"It is really important that people of all ages are aware of the dangers of climate change and are encouraged to reduce their carbon footprints. This is why I am especially pleased to see how well is progressing. It is inspiring to see young people from all over the world exchanging ideas and views on how we can combat the threat of climate change.
I am also delighted that our nine new Climate Change Champions are being hosted on the site. This will enable the Champions to talk about their experiences with like-minded young people, and add value to their campaigning efforts."
Mike Low - Director, BSI British Standards
'I wanted to thank you very much for the time and effort you took to support BSI's GetGreenGo sustainable event challenge over the course of the year.
I Know that BSI's relationship with Footprint Friends on this initiative was instumental to it's great success'
Dr. Krista McKinzey - Climate Change Schools Project Officer, Science Learning Centre North East
"Footprint Friends is a wonderful and empowering way for young people and adults alike to express their thoughts and views about climate change with others all over the world.
It is inspiring to see so many young people in particular using the site to communicate their climate change concerns and solutions. Footprint Friends has provided the Climate Change Schools Project with an innovative and exciting way for our Climate Change Lead Schools pupils and teachers to keep in touch, and to share the creative ways in which young people are becoming ever more engaged with the climate change challenge.
The Climate Change Schools Project is delighted to be a partner of Footprint Friends!"

Clare McDougall - Education Programme Director, npwer
'I was introduced to Footprint Friends following a recommendation from Adam Nethersole, the Climate Change Champions Manager at DEFRA. The Footprint Friends team are incredibly dedicated to child led Climate Change communications and provide a valuable component to npower's 'Green SOS' programme.'

Jerry Percy - Head of Sustainability, Gleeds (London)
I just wanted to say that hearing the kids at the Think Ball in support of Footprint Friends was an inspiration to everyone there and they came across extremely confident in what must have been a very overwhelming and daunting environment.
It is important that initiatives such as yours are supported and I wish you all the success for the future.